Worried about how inflation might impact your financial goals? In this video, learn what inflation is, why it can be good, and how to prepare for it.
Heard of Payment for Order Flow? Find out what it means and how it affects your investment accounts.
Ever wondered how much Santa’s Christmas workshop and delivery service costs? Find out in this article.
Client Question: “How will the upcoming elections affect my portfolio?” My Answer: The stock market is apolitical, meaning it does not matter which party is elected. The stock market just wants a strong economy, which leads to a strong stock price. Over the long run, the stock market will follow the economy. If the economy […]
Ronald Reagan once famously quipped, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’ ” For the millions of Americans who have already received their Economic Impact Payments, (commonly called “stimulus payments”) these words may not have aged well. For the others, who are still […]
Before “work from home” became a popular hashtag, my daily commute was a very mundane process. When I was finally able to start going back into my office, my drive suddenly felt new again and I noticed things that my mind would have otherwise glossed over in the normal routine of my drive. One such […]
I have been around a lot of kids, at church, in the grocery store and other public places and I have come to the conclusion that my grandkids are the absolute best. They are well-behaved, good-looking, considerate, respectful, loving, obedient … should I keep going? Let us face it; some rug-rats are just that, but […]
Required Minimum Distributions, or RMD for short, have received a considerable amount of attention from Congress over the last six months. As touched on earlier this year by Thomas Talbott, the SECURE Act raised the RMD age to age 72 for certain individuals. For more details on that change, please take a moment to read […]
It is often difficult to effectively respond in times of social unrest or injustice like we are currently seeing across our country. At the very least, these moments should lead to introspection and self-evaluation. As we look at what we have been entrusted with, it is natural to evaluate how our financial investments can be […]
Americans have been searching for answers to explain the stock market’s unusual behavior amidst the Coronavirus pandemic and the current state of civil unrest. Many media outlets claim to have the answers explaining the stock market’s uncommon uptick in these uncertain times. There have even been suggestions of behind-the-scenes activity and conspiracy. A local newspaper recently raised the idea of an economic conspiracy in a piece in their financial section. It was alleged that the market’s non-stop climb […]