Is there a link between physical fitness and financial fitness? This was the question that popped into my head last week as I jogged through my neighborhood pushing my 1-year-old and 3-year-old in a double jogging stroller. I like to exercise without any added visual or audio stimulus because I find this is one of […]
Structure is needed in a financial plan. Simply stated, financial planning is putting together a plan for your future. How will you manage your finances and prepare for your future, while also taking care of today? At Stewardship Advisors, we work with you to anticipate your life transitions and to be financially prepared for them…by […]
A few years ago, on a hike in Colorado, I had my first experience with cairns. A cairn is a human-made pile of stones that can be used for many things like noting a landmark, or in this case, indicating the best path forward for hikers–essentially marking the trail to the destination. In our case, […]
I was enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon back on December 1st, 2019. I decided to get the Christmas decorations out of the storage space in the garage. The storage space is eight feet off the ground and I only have a six-foot stepladder. Can you see where the story is headed? I climbed the ladder […]
Ronald Reagan once famously quipped, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’ ” For the millions of Americans who have already received their Economic Impact Payments, (commonly called “stimulus payments”) these words may not have aged well. For the others, who are still […]
Before “work from home” became a popular hashtag, my daily commute was a very mundane process. When I was finally able to start going back into my office, my drive suddenly felt new again and I noticed things that my mind would have otherwise glossed over in the normal routine of my drive. One such […]
I have been around a lot of kids, at church, in the grocery store and other public places and I have come to the conclusion that my grandkids are the absolute best. They are well-behaved, good-looking, considerate, respectful, loving, obedient … should I keep going? Let us face it; some rug-rats are just that, but […]
It is often difficult to effectively respond in times of social unrest or injustice like we are currently seeing across our country. At the very least, these moments should lead to introspection and self-evaluation. As we look at what we have been entrusted with, it is natural to evaluate how our financial investments can be […]
April Fool’s Day is synonymous with practical jokes and good-natured hoaxes. While most people accept the light-hearted nature of April Fool’s Day and laugh along with the practical jokes, April 1 should also serve as a reminder to remain vigilant against the much more serious hoaxes we are all subject to on a regular basis. […]
None of us planned for this crisis. It probably seems like a long time ago, but our first blog post of the year, titled Return on Life vs Return on Investment, gave us the foundation for dealing with the current challenge of the COVID-19 and market volatility. The key is not letting heightened emotions and […]