Social Justice and Investing
June 17, 2020

It is often difficult to effectively respond in times of social unrest or injustice like we are currently seeing across our country. At the very least, these moments should lead to introspection and self-evaluation. As we look at what we have been entrusted with, it is natural to evaluate how our financial investments can be […]

Don’t Be Played For a Fool
April 13, 2020

April Fool’s Day is synonymous with practical jokes and good-natured hoaxes. While most people accept the light-hearted nature of April Fool’s Day and laugh along with the practical jokes, April 1 should also serve as a reminder to remain vigilant against the much more serious hoaxes we are all subject to on a regular basis. […]

Resolutions for a Financially Focused 2020
January 10, 2020

If you enjoy taking the opportunity a new year offers to make resolutions, make sure financial resolutions are a part of that focus. Formulating financial resolutions this year can help get you closer to long term goals like retirement, a large purchase, business ownership or debt elimination. Here are just a few practical ideas to […]

“Side Hustle” or just “Hustle”?
November 13, 2019

Several years ago, my wife and I set an ambitious financial goal for our family. As a way to temporarily increase my income, I decided to embark on the millennial rite of passage known as the “side hustle.” While the term “side hustle” is used broadly to describe part-time or temporary work in addition to […]

No Need to Tip Uncle Sam
April 23, 2019

With tax season not quite in the rearview mirror, it seems like an opportune time to mention some takeaways from the changes brought about by the Tax Cut and Jobs Acts (TCJA) as well as revisit some tax-related topics. While it may be too late to make any significant changes to your 2018 return, it’s […]