How Long Do I Keep…
July 8, 2019

Bills, mortgages, bank statements, brokerage statements, credit card statements—being an adult certainly does require a lot of paperwork. Here is a guide for how long you should keep different kinds of financial records before putting them through the shredder (and yes, it should be the shredder, not the trash). Tax Documents: Keep tax-related records for […]

What Is A Fiduciary?
January 30, 2019

According to the Cornell Law Dictionary, “A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care.” It entails always acting in your client’s best interest. A few years ago, the question of whether your financial advisor was acting as a fiduciary was one of the top of questions asked of all financial advisors. This issue was […]

Why Do I Need a Contingent Beneficiary?
October 22, 2018

Recently, as part of “Walking with You on Your Journey,” we have begun a review of the beneficiaries on your accounts. We are doing this as a way of making sure your assets are distributed to whom you wish and in the most tax-efficient manner. Most people, if they are married, name each other as […]

Why Is the Stock Market Acting so Crazy?
April 4, 2018

Is it political? Is it interest rates, or is it the weather?! While we have recently experienced high volatility, we have just come off of the longest period without a market downturn of 10 % or more. By the end of January of this year, the last six and a half years, have set a […]