Bills, mortgages, bank statements, brokerage statements, credit card statements—being an adult certainly does require a lot of paperwork. Here is a guide for how long you should keep different kinds of financial records before putting them through the shredder (and yes, it should be the shredder, not the trash). Tax Documents: Keep tax-related records for […]
According to the Cornell Law Dictionary, “A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care.” It entails always acting in your client’s best interest. A few years ago, the question of whether your financial advisor was acting as a fiduciary was one of the top of questions asked of all financial advisors. This issue was […]
Recently, as part of “Walking with You on Your Journey,” we have begun a review of the beneficiaries on your accounts. We are doing this as a way of making sure your assets are distributed to whom you wish and in the most tax-efficient manner. Most people, if they are married, name each other as […]
Is it political? Is it interest rates, or is it the weather?! While we have recently experienced high volatility, we have just come off of the longest period without a market downturn of 10 % or more. By the end of January of this year, the last six and a half years, have set a […]